Invite Leon to hold a spiritual intensive in your area!
This specialized service is an opportunity for your church group or spiritual retreat to not only learn about our Oneness in Christ, but to taste and see that the Lord is good!
As per the teachings of Jesus Christ, Who prayed that we would all be One as He and the Father are One, we will come together to receive special grace to realize the divine nature in divine awakening.
What is Awakening?
Awakening is a mystery of the heart opening up to the divine nature. It has been referred to as enlightenment, God-Realization or Self-Realization. While such terms are used, the mysticism presented by our ministry is well within Christian orthodoxy.
In Christian mysticism, awakening is also called theosis, deification, gnosis, metanoia, the fullness of God or Christ, the perfect man, etc…
Christ’s prayer was that we would share in the divine Oneness (John 17:11, 21-23). This is what the apostle Peter referred to as partaking of the divine nature, which is to participate in the very life of the Trinity (2Peter 1:4).
This Oneness is a Trinitarian Non-duality as described in our online mystical school, Taboric Light Seminary.
What is involved in an Intensive?
An intensive will be in a group setting, though individual video sessions are also available.
Each group session will be 3 hours long. The break down is as follows:
Teaching = half an hour; I’ll present a biblical teaching on Oneness.
Instruction = half an hour; here I’ll offer step by step instructions on how to practice.
Practice = half an hour; here we’ll meditate as instructed. And-
Inquiry, = one hour and a half; a focused question and answer session between the teacher and any students. These can be valuable encounters toward awakening as an interaction unfolds.
Video Sessions (individual)
The person who signs up for this will have the option as to the length of the session, as between 1 to 3 hours. This will be done through either Zoom or Skype. You may record these sessions.
If you purchase 3 hours, we can follow the same format as a group session would (teaching, instruction, practice and inquiry), or we can focus on one thing more than another. Or, if you purchased 1 or 2 hours, a more focused session is ideal. We can decide our approach before we proceed.
Spiritual Intensive Options:
There’s a baseline fee required per 3 hour session. Travel and lodging are additional expenses researched by me at reasonable rates. To find out more:
First, Contact Me:
Invite Leon for Intensive!Second, Enter our agreed on amount below:
Video Intensive (individual)
Simply select from the options below:
One Hour Intensive = $60.00 USD
Two Hour Intensive = $120.00 USD
Three Hour Intensive = $180.00 USD
Other Payment Methods:
If these other methods are used to purchase, please click on the link below:
To donate any ammount to this ministry: