Further instructions after purchase:

Thank you again!

Please follow the instruction that relates to the service or downloadable items you purchased:

Online Mystical School (Taboric Light Seminary):

A. Self-Reflexive Awareness Course,

B. Ma’aseh Bereshit Course, or

C. Both Courses at Discount:

I will send you an email with downloadable files and related links within 24 hours or sooner.

Speaking Engagements:

I will send you a follow up email confirming the details of our agreed on arrangement.

Spiritual Intensives:

I will send you a follow up email confirming the details of our agreed on arrangement.

Video Teachings:

I’ll send a follow up email to schedule the event with links to either Skype or Zoom.


I’ll be in touch within 24 hours or less as indicated above. For any questions, call me at (505) 264-8011, or email me at bahrman145@msn.com.

Thank you!